[OLD] Blog for Reeses2150, The ADD Artist. Contains Everyday Revalations, Recent events in my life, Skinning and Artwork news, and Quotes of the week. Possibly more.

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Once again...

I've been busy enough recently that I haven't really been able to update this for a while...
First off, I have been asked by one of my friends to do, well you could call it a comission, some dragon pics for his upcoming Mange/anime series. I've been busy working on those. Another thing that has kept me from posting was the fact that my sister has been going online a lot and has made MANY telephone calls. We only have a 56k and ONE phone line.

Skinning/art news:
I have been hard at work on a new skin, no name for it yet. It is a standard design(central screen, resizable, etc.), with some of the most advanced coding elements I've done so far. I know I say that about every skin I make, but I guess it's because I just keep getting better and better...
Don't expect it too soon though, as I haven't barely started on the graphics yet...

Quote of the Week:
Welcome to the republic of GOOGLE.COM - Alpha_DSF

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Trip Report: Carnival Victory

Internet - $24.00 per hour
Video Games - $1.00 per game
Golf Sim - $24.00 per hour
Drinks - $1.5 per (unles u hve crd)

mostly shopping with some museums and other random tourist traps

The one good thing. If you eat something, you can leave the plate anywhere on the ship. Crew is very helpful (if they can help they will) and is not hesitant to have fun with the guests (jokes and stories).

Another good point. "Non-interactive" shows include Magic shows, stand up comedy shows, and music. All of the events I went to (intro comedy show, magic show, newlywed competition) were very comic and definitely better the any six flags show without pyrotecnics. Others include art auctions, dance clubs, kareoke, bingo, talent shows, tournaments for everything from video games to trivia, charades, scavenger hunts, etc. Similar to what you'll find at the local birthday party, only 3x better (less embarrasing and more entertaining).

Free pizza, burgers, hot dogs, and chicken 24 hours. And restraunt breakfast and dinners. Some of the best cheeseburgers you'll ever lay your tounge upon. Everything else is good. Fine dining in the dinner restaraunts.Drinks:Free if you have a soda card. Since I'm not 18 yet, I can't try the liquor, but the soda's are exactly what you would expect. Straight from the can. Just be sure to ask for no ice...

Overall rating: 6.75 - 10
Drive down to Myrtle beach instead...Fun, but if you're unwilling to spend a lot of money you'll find yourself walking around aimlessly and sitting at the bars and pizza stall. If you are willing, you'll still be bored half the time.That's the basic summary.


Skinning/Art News:
For those from Deviantart, you already know that I just uploaded a huge amount of pictures onto my deviantart account.  All from on board the cruise.  A couple sky pics, a new sketch, and a lot of people photo's.   Go check 'em out.  http://reeses2150.deviantart.com/ http://reeses2150.deviantart.com/gallery/

Quote of the Week:
Nobody notices as I return from above. - Alter Ego: Stealth Phoenix

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

On A Cruise

As I said on my deviantart journal, I am currently on board the Carnival cruise ship, "Victory". Not as good as in the commercials. Here's the quick lowdown on theprices on the cruise.

Ice Cream
Drinks (If you have a soda card)

Not Free:
Everything else. (Internet access = $24.00 per hour, Arcade games = $1.00 per play, etc.)

When I arrive back home on tuesday I will give a full report.

Awesome News:
Literally about 30 minutes ago, while I was trying to log onto the comps in the internet lounge, I met someone with a G-Mail account. I talked to her, I didn't have to ask the question, she asked me if I wanted an Invite to G-Mail. I am now Stealth.Phoenix@Gmail.com SWEETNESS!!!

Skinning/Art News:
Inspiration for some sketches has come to me on the ship. I'm currently going to try drawing a mermaid, a dolphin, a beach scene, and some more crap. I will upload them all to deviantart on tuesday.

Quote of the Week:
It is better to relish joyfull moments in their infancy than to prolong them and make a fool of yourself or destroy the mood. - Good Times

Saturday, July 10, 2004

Steady as a rock...

Well, I'm finally going to be going somewhere for the Summer Vacation. It appears that my family has booked a cruise for us to go on. No I don't have any details yet, but when I do get them I will post them on deviantart. Either way, we will be leavin in less than a week, and we will be gone for about a week. So for the extremely small amount of people that are actually interewsted in my artwork, stories, and other crap, I will not be able to upload for a week.
Sure, I'm excited about going, but being the nuetralistic realist that I am, I see the good points and the bad points evening out into just another week. I'll have a good time and (hopefully) meet a few chicks (maybe even get lucky. Wait. No, that's a near impossibility), but then again, I can't do anything online or anything on my pc (Since myparents are too cheap to get me a F****** LAPTOP!). Either way, I'll just keep living life as I always do, day by day.

Skinning/Art News:
I have gotten back into my drawing. I am currently working on a shark, another Phoenix Project, a pinstripe Dragon, and someother stuff. I have decided to stop skinning for a while, as I have been getting bored of it.

Quote of the Week:
It is better to debate a question without settling it, than it is to settle a question without debating it. - Opposing Viewpoints

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Function_2 and Tokyo_Matrix


Skinning/Art news:
Function_2 has been completed, tested, and finally uploaded. I'm extremely satisfied with the coding of the skin, though I will admit, the style is one that not many will take an immediate liking to. Unlike Tokyo_Matrix, which I began literally about an hour before posting this, as a test skin to try out some new coding combinations that I thought up. It ended up being probably one of my most stylistic skins. I came up with the name from how it has a ver "Japanime" feel to it. It's an awesome looking "Upper-Left-Corner" Skin as they put it. It's an extremely minimalistic skin, probably even moreso than the Absolute Skin. I like it, and it's one for those who just like to make playlists and sit back and listen to them.

Quote of the week:
I'm no longer a virgin, so to speek. Life has F***** us all from the beginning... - Unknown

Saturday, July 03, 2004

Why did god invent summer?

God invented summer so that all the husky people like myself would sie off, leaving only the skinny people to survive. And then god invented winter to kill them off...

I hate the hot. I think I'll speak for every person in the world when I say that I would rather Freeze than Fry. I've asked about 30 people this question recently, and I've only gotten one person who would rather suffer through heat than suffer through cold (Guess who it was, my Fatha...). Thank god for Central Air.

Skinning/Art News: Updated July 4th
Function_2 is nearly ready for upload, I am testing the coding now. I finished making the manual resize codes for the PL and Vis. Recently, I have added manual resize onto the Playlist and Visuals, Added some more fuctionality in the visual controls, and the ability to toggle the main buttons for a more sleek profile.
Also, I have been inspired for a few new art pieces, I'm not going to reveal anything about it other than they are all mythical creatures. But since I recently got back Photoshop, I will be able to make good graphics again. HOORAY!!

Quote of the week:
I am the mustard of your doom. I HAVE FURY!!! - Fawful (Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga)