My Parents Shall Be My Demise...
On 11/16/04 I took a personal day off from school. The first I have taken in over 1.5 years, and only the second one I have EVER taken. I took the day off because I needed to relax for a day, as there was too much tension in school (not from work, but from my Camera. Some [IE: only 1] of the teachers noticed me taking pictures in/around class, and complained to the vice-principal. This then caused some insecurity, confusion, and general tension concerning my Camera.) and at home (My Parents did not want me to take my camera to school every day due to the aforementioned. FYI: Literally 9 out of every 10 shots I take are taken on the way to school, around school, or on the way back from school.) as well as the fact that I had just picked up my Pre-Order of Metroid Prime 2: Echoes...
Basically, because My sister is a B, she ratted on me and my parents TOOK AWAY MY CAMERA (Which I payed for 100%. $300.00) for 2WEEKS!!!!
I'm not sure about everyone else, but honestly, I think that's really Fucked up. Especially due to the fact that they KNOW that photography is my way of life/a part of my life/one of the only things that I'm good at, that gets me recognition, and is the ONE THING that allows me to express my creativity.
Skinning/Art News:
Power Lines

The Trash

Might As Well Be Midnight...


After A Hard Days Work...

A World In Motion 02

and A Tangled Mess.

Since My camera is gone for the next 2 weeks, these will be the last NEW shots for a while. Also, due to the "Punishment", I have pulled up WMP skinning for the moment. I am working on another new skin (not GSI), codenamed "MOBIUS". Done completely in MS Paint. Stay tuned.
Quote Of The Week:
I'm no longer a virgin, so to speak. Life has fucked us all from the beginning... - Reeses2150
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