[OLD] Blog for Reeses2150, The ADD Artist. Contains Everyday Revalations, Recent events in my life, Skinning and Artwork news, and Quotes of the week. Possibly more.

Friday, August 27, 2004

The Ballgame...

Today was, wierd to say the least. First off, I felt a bit rebelious and had some "collage-student-fun". Putting foil and CD's in the microwave, and other things that I don't want my parents to find out by reading this. That was a good time though.
Then, I went to the Somerset Patriots game. For once, I had a good time. Dancin' Bill, the local hero whom We believe the imfamous Six Flags commercials were based off of, had come back out of his dancing "Retirement", which lasted for almost a year, and was once again leadin' the kids in Cotten-Eyed-Joe and the infamous song FROM the six flags commercials in the Home-Run celebrations. I was right there with him, I have recieved a reputation as his faithful sidekick, always being known to bust a few moves at every home-run and Cotten-Eyed-Joe playings. Tonight was no exception, as I once again strut my stuff for the fans. Every time I go out though, I end up hurting something, this time my right ankle; but hey, 'tis all for the experiance... And it's a good time to be had by all, the Patriots FINALLY WIN ONE! WOO-HOO!!! w00t-w00t!!!

Skinning/Art News:
I'm taking' a break from art for a SHORT while. I've burned up pretty much all of my wil to work on things and have run out of inspiration. But I will get back to work when I can. Probably when school begins, is when I will start up once again. I'm currently working on a Taxi themed Wallpaper, a Novelty WMP skin, and another sketch of my alter Ego: Stealth Phoenix.

Quote of the Week:
Without Art, the world would be a blank canvas... - Reeses2150


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