[OLD] Blog for Reeses2150, The ADD Artist. Contains Everyday Revalations, Recent events in my life, Skinning and Artwork news, and Quotes of the week. Possibly more.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004


Today feels wrong. I can't explain it, but I've been getting feelings of "I shouldn't have come here today." and "Something just doesn't feel right.". I've been getting these vibes ever since I stepped foot in the school today. The scary thing is, I've asked 2 others, who also are getting the same type of vibes. Alpha says that as soon as he got into the school, he felt like killing everybody and he also felt that something wasn't right. I also asked Stealth Phoenix (My Alter Ego), and he couldn't figure out what was wrong, but he was also getting the same feeling that something was wrong. This has kept me on my toes, and I am unsure of what might happen, but I KNOW that something will happen. I just don't know what, when, how, or why...

On a lighter note, I went to SFGA (Six Flags: Great Adventure) on Sunday. Let me be very direct, it sucked (comparing it to what it would have been like at any other them park.). First off, we spent 6 hours there and this is the tally of what we did. We say 4 shows, and I was able to get on the Rotor, the StuntMans Freefall, and Nitro. That's it. Besides that fact, it seems that fright fest just keeps getting worse every year. The Houdini's Escape was closed (It's become a tradition to ride the Houdini at fright fest), and nothing else was really that special, other than the Side-show/friek-show. Fright fest isn't what it used to be...

Another thing that has happened is that I have recently begun to install a new HD into my comp, a 20gig maxtor. Looking back, I did a few things wrong. What I did was, I copied what I wanted off of my extra drive, then took it out. I put the new hd in, installed Windows, and formatted it, and now I am having troubles copying data from the old drive. I now realize that I should have backed up the old drive onto the temporary one I removed, then go into copying the files.

Skinning/Art News:
Nothing, for once...

Quote Of The Week:
I reject your reality, and substitute my own. - Adam Savage


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